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Continued from page 13 for independent, assisted living, and memory
care. While programs in independent and
• Care packages: design a care package for assisted living will not take place in groups, we
your loved one and ship or deliver it! have many self-guided, outdoor, ‘threshold
• Photo albums with recorded messages: and hallway’ programs we are implementing,”
there are photo albums with audio record- Michelle explains in her Programming Plan-
ing devices that are perfect for linking ning Guide. “We have 100 days of self-guided
memories to audible descriptions. packets including a daily schedule. Each
packet includes brain challenging activities,
If you’re worried about your loved one Pinterest posts, exercise programs, Associate
remaining engaged and active despite social visits both in-room and from outdoors.”
distancing rules in their dementia care com-
munity, take a deep breath. In the last couple I’m impressed every day by the new, interest-
of weeks, I’ve seen some truly amazing and ing, and heartfelt ways that people are finding
creative programs coming out of senior liv- to connect with those living with dementia.
ing communities. For example, I spotted a Caregivers are a resilient group—this proves it
beautiful program for residents in Yorktown even more.
Manor, a community based out of Yorktown, Rachael Wonderlin is a gerontologist and a
IN: the staff set up a “fishing” experience for dementia care advisor who runs the popular
residents in their hallway, complete with fish- blog Dementia By Day. She is the author of
ing poles and an enthusiastic narrator, talking When Someone You Know Is Living in a De-
through the video as if giving a play-by-play mentia Care Community and the forthcoming
for a competitive sporting event. book Creative Engagement: A Handbook of
Another example comes from Michelle her- Activities for People with Dementia.
self: “Benchmark Programming Associates are
planning safe, engaging alternative programs