Page 35 - NC Summer Fall SeniorLivingGuide
P. 35
Continued from page 29
foods that are nutritionally dense instead exercises in their regimen. Gentle chair
of consuming empty calories. The diet yoga is a good option for many seniors
should be tapered down according to new to exercise.
need, rather than adding the nutrient- Easing a worried heart. Has your senior
dense choices. been fixated or overly worried about life
The diet choices should be simple, lately? Chatting lightly can begin loosen-
satisfying and nutritious. Plates should ing up a senior who has become wound
be half-filled with fruits and vegetables, too tight about the ups and downs of
and whole grains should be the source of life. First and foremost you must listen
at least half of the grain choices. Whole – most folks benefit from a sympathetic
grains include foods such as brown rice, ear even if their listener doesn’t give
whole grain cereals and whole grain them a solution to their problem. But if
breads. Seniors should avoid consuming there are recurring issues then you could
excessive amounts of sodium. The diet begin gently guiding them to take some
should include healthy fat sources such action towards acceptance, no matter
as nuts, avocados, vegetable fats and how small it might be. It could be as
fatty fish. Protein sources should include simple as some advance planning for the
eggs, chicken, fish, beans and nuts. inevitable, or volunteering part time.
Exercise. Getting sufficient exercise is Better health, better life. Helping a
another key component in maintaining senior maintain a good quality of life is
good quality of life for seniors. A recent paramount. Check off these three things
article on explains when visiting seniors: Ensure seniors
loss of muscle mass associated with ag- get sufficient sleep, enjoy a healthy diet
ing contributes to the metabolic decline and participate in an exercise program.
in seniors. Staying fit helps keep muscles Make the most of home visits with these
and bones strong, helps maintain a simple guidelines.
healthy weight, and helps maintain or Janet Campbell is a contributing blog
restore balance. Seniors who stay active writer and is frequently featured on our
can reduce their risk for health condi- website and
tions such as heart disease, diabetes, ar- her articles posted on our Facebook page
thritis, osteoporosis, depression, obesity and via our Twitter account.
and back pain. A senior fitness program
can enhance flexibility, memory function
and improve mood as well.
Seniors can begin exercising at any age
but should discuss a new exercise pro-
gram with their physicians. Scheduling
sessions can help stay on track, and cel-
ebrating progress can be an encourage-
ment. Seniors should include aerobic,
strength training, balance and flexibility