Page 3 - WCFL Summer 2017
P. 3

by John Brennan,                           Price. Many independent web-
          IT Development Director                    sites do not want to list prices.
                                                     They may not have the time
          How do people find your                     or capability to change their
          company’s website?                          website as prices change. Some
          SeniorLivingGuide.                         feel that a sales edge is lost by
          com is a search engine                     publishing their prices. The fact
          for senior housing,                        is consumers want to research
          home health and senior                      before they contact andSenior-
          services. Even if you’re             offers the
          doing your own Google                          information they’re search-
          campaigns, our monthly                          ing for in one easy to use
          web traffic reaches more                          format. Advertisers who
          potential customers than an                        list a starting price on
          independent website ever could.                    SeniorLivingGuide.
          Simply put, if you want people to find            com receive over 80%
          your website, you need to advertise your          of the leads we generate.
                                              How do you track activity on your
          Do you know what the biggest
                                              website and use that information to
          difference is between leads that    improve your internet leads?
          come from your website and leads tracks how
          that come from SeniorLivingGuide.   consumers view you on our website.
          com?                                We show you how often you appear
          Consumers using   in searches, how many people clicked
          have been able to compare, apples    through to your ad, how many times
          to apples, your community or service   your printable brochure was used, how
          with your competitors and chose to send   many times people clicked on your
          you their information from a        weblink and went directly to your
          level playing field. They were able    website and finally, how many people
          to compare pricing, information,    called you from your SeniorLivingGuide.
          pictures, etc., all in a database    com advertisement. With this knowledge
          environment suited towards research.    we can identify areas of improvement,
          Consumers contacting you from       constantly tweaking, to continually
 are ready to    improve upon and drive more traffic to
          do business.                        your community or service.

          Do you know the number one thing
          people are looking for when they use
          the internet to research senior hous-
          ing and services?                    For more information call

                                                                        Continued on page 51
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