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     by Christina Rohr

     Alzheimer’s disease affects nearly 6   improve patients diagnosed with the
     million Americans.  If we don’t know   disease. This is her account.
     someone personally who has the dis-  Steve’s diagnosis was again confirmed
     ease, chances are we know a caregiver   with a second opinion from the Byrd Al-
     or a close friend who is dealing with this   zheimer’s Institute in Tampa by 2006. At
     disease firsthand.  After losing my father   this point, Steve could no longer drive,
     in 2019 to this disease, I have bee  en on   turn on a computer or use a calcula-
     a personal mission to understand it bet-  tor. He was rapidly deteriorating and
     ter and see what I can do to impact my   it appeared that a drug trial could be a
     overall brain health.
                                         possible answer.
      Recently, I came across some interest-
     ing information. Dr. Mary Newport, a   In an effort to get Steve qualified for
     physician and neonatologist, had shared   clinical drug trial, Dr. Newport spent
     a personal experience on the use of    time researching on the internet and, by
     coconut oil on her husband, Steve, an   accident, came across information that
     accountant, who was diagnosed with   Alzheimer’s is considered a type of dia-
     early onset Alzheimer’s in 2004 at the   betes of the brain. There is a deficiency
     age of 54. Her firsthand account sug-  of insulin and insulin resistance in the
     gests that using coconut oil or MCT   brain of people with Alzheimer’s that
     (medium-chain triglyceride oil) can   becomes more severe during the course
                                         of the disease. However a company was
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