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On December 16, 2006, then Secretary benefit may be available to wartime
of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson issued veterans and surviving spouses who have
a press release which read, in part, as in-home care or who live in nursing-homes
follows: or assisted-living facilities.
Secretary Nicholson: Many elderly veterans and surviving
VA Reaches Out to Veterans spouses whose incomes are above the
congressionally mandated legal limit
and Spouses for a VA pension may still be eligible for
“Aid and Attendance” an the special monthly Aid and Attendance
Under-Used Benefit benefit if they have large medical expenses,
including nursing home expenses, for
WASHINGTON – The Department of which they do not receive reimbursement.
Veterans Affairs (VA) is reaching out to Despite the publicity and this message 8
inform wartime veterans and surviving years ago, there are still many without
spouses of deceased wartime veterans knowledge on the Aid and Attendance
about an under-used, special monthly pension, particularly among those who
pension benefit called Aid and Attendance.
need it the most. For current benefit
“Veterans have earned this benefit by their amounts or more information visit the
service to our nation,” said Secretary of website below. There are financial planners
Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson. “We want and legal professionals who specialize in
to ensure that every veteran or surviving elder/senior planning that can assist in
spouse who qualifies has the chance to determination and application processes.
For more information visit /
The Aid and Attendance Pension can enter aid and attendance in search box
provide up to $1,519 per month to a
veteran, $976 per month to a surviving
spouse, or $1,801 per month to a couple.*
Although this is not a new program, not
everyone is aware of his or her potential
eligibility. The Aid and Attendance pension