Page 52 - winterspring2021
P. 52

52                                                                                 RESOURCES                                                                                                                             RESOURCES                                                WESTCOAST FLORIDA
         Life after Rehab and Home Health:
         Life after Rehab and Home Health:
             Encouraging                     Safe and
             Encouraging Safe and

                        Active Aging
                        Active          Aging

       “If  you don’t make time for your wellness, you

         will be forced to make time for your illness.”

     So, you have finished a round of   cise program Patients who fail to adhere to
     rehabilitation or home health therapy after a   the prescribed exercise program may extend
                                        the duration of their treatment and make
     unexpected illness. Life was good until you   treatment less effective. A number of studies
     ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, a   have also linked strong exercise adherence
     urinary tract infection, an unexpected sur-  to improved treatment outcome in patients
     gery, a scheduled surgery or even COV-  experiencing neck and back pain and
     ID-19. You thought that you were doing well   osteoarthritis symptoms.
     enough to manage the rest of your life with-
     out any health complications yet here you   Clients’ perceived barriers is one of the most
     are- entertaining Physical, Occupational and   widely documented barriers to adherence,
     / or Speech language pathologists into your   with examples such as forgetting to exercise,
     home in order to teach you exercises and   not having the time, not fitting into the daily
     help you recover in order to return to your   routine as well as time, work schedules and
     prior level of function. You are discharged   transportation. What we may not realize is
     from their services with a home exercise   that the chances of falling or falling with a
     program and off you go. Sounds pretty easy,   catastrophic injury in the aging population
     right? Follow what they tell you and every-  increase if we don’t focus on maintaining or
     thing will be fine. But beingconsistent, safe   increasing muscle fitness or cardio endur-
     and compliant with a home exercise program   ance. Our priorities must change as we age;
     is not as easy as it sounds. You may not be   how many times have we heard, “when
     getting the results you wished to achieve at 1   we’re young, we work out to look good; now
     or 2 visits per week.
                                        we work out to survive”?
     Currently, one of the main problems we
     encounter is poor adherence to an established   So how do we stick to the program? We need
     exercise program. Adherence to home   to first realize that clients may have cogni-
     exercise programs after rehabilitation is   tive, behavioral and/or practical barriers that
     a significant problem, with  estimates of   can have an effect on a client’s willingness
     non-adherence as high as 50% . Those   to adhere to the set-up program as well as
     who perform their exercises to the required   realizing the physical consequences of not
     repetitions may not be deemed adherent if   following through with it in the long-term.
     their technique is poor, as clients will not be   Currently, clients need to realize that there
     gaining  maximum benefit from their exer-  is lots of evidence that physical activity
                                                      Continued on page 63
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