Page 122 - Florida eBook Summer/Fall 2020 Edition
P. 122
When I was 21 years old, I had a college book launched my career into films and
assignment at California Polytechnic photo shoots for the senior living indus-
State University to photograph a portrait try. I began my journey photographing
of Army Ranger WWII veteran, Ran- WWII veterans in my free time. Belmont
dall Harris, who had sustained a major Village Senior Living discovered my
wound during the war. Randall was also project shortly after I graduated college
21 years old when he was fighting in and they sent me around the country
the war. That helped put my life into to photograph veterans living in Bel-
perspective and made me realize I had it mont Village communities. The project
pretty easy as a college student. Randall resulted in a coffee table book published
went skydiving at the age of 91 years old with Random House called The Last Good
(which is not something I even wanted to War: The Faces And Voices Of WWII in
do as a 21 year old and still do not want 2010. In 2015 I launched a company
to do at the age of 36) and he changed called Senior Living Photography. I have
my view on aging! It blew my mind that been commissioned to photograph/film
he jumped out of a plane at 91 years old! dozens of subjects on aging: couples that
I got the idea to travel the country and have been married for over 50 years, a
photograph and interview WWII veter- centenarian calendar (the oldest person I
ans for a coffee table book concept. The photographed was 112 and she wrote 11
Continued on page 138