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If you’ve been thinking about down- When it comes to activities, amenities
sizing or even transitioning to a new can include fitness centers, multiple
living situation, you’re likely doing on-site dining options, beauty parlors
a lot of research to discover possibili- and barber shops, banking, art studios,
ties and help guide your decision. As movie theaters, game rooms, and other
someone over the age of 55, those entertainment spaces that give you so-
options may include an independent cial opportunities to make new friends.
living community or an assisted living Above all, you get the freedom to enjoy
arrangement. To some, these options the retirement of your dreams.
appear to be one in the same, but while
each situation is designed to simplify What is Assisted Living?
your life, there are a few varying fea- Many assisted living facilities have the
tures. Below, we’ve highlighted the dif- same features as independent living
ferences that separate these two senior communities, such as meal prepara-
living options. tion, laundry services, housekeeping,
and transportation. There can also be
What is Independent Living? planned social activities and opportu-
As the name implies, independent liv- nities for exercise and special outings.
ing is for seniors who want to continue And there’s typically trained staff on
to live an independent lifestyle. You’ll site at all times to help with all of the
find residence options like apartments, above.
duplexes, townhomes and condos, all
in a variety of sizes and floor plans. With regard to your living space,
This type of environment is designed assisted living offers an apartment-
to make life more comfortable and style setting with access to assistance,
convenient. For example, most offer as needed. One of the most significant
housekeeping, laundry service, dining differences is assisted living is designed
plans, and transportation. Imagine the for those who have special needs and
feeling of not having to dust, vacuum, cannot live alone safely. It offers an
or even mow the yard again! environment where seniors can receive
Continued on page 27