Page 13 - NC Spring 2019
P. 13
By Susan R. Dolan
The End of Life Advisor: Personal, Legal, and Medical
Considerations for a Peaceful, Dignified Death
by Susan R. Dolan RN, JD, Audrey R. Vizzard RN, EDD
An ethical will is used to pass on person- bag, compose an email, record your
al values, beliefs, blessings, and advice thoughts, or sit in front of a video cam-
to future generations. It is a way to tell era and interview yourself. What mat-
stories and share your memories. ters is content – your reflections of who
you were and who you became. What
An ethical will is not a legal document; were the events that shaped you? What
it is distinct from legal documents like are your priorities? Your guiding prin-
a last will and testament or a living will. ciples? What mistakes did you make;
The practice of leaving an ethical will is what did you learn from them? What es-
an ancient tradition referenced in the sential truths have you learned that you
Bible and found in many cultures.
can pass on to future generations?
Whether you have years left to live or If you hope to be remembered for who
are facing death, you too can write a you really are, disclose that person.
love letter to future generations. Writing Don’t assume others know your in-
skill, spelling, and penmanship don’t ner self and the challenges you met
matter. You can scribble on a grocery
and overcame. Offer blessings, advice,
Continued on page 19