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         1.  What do you feel is your greatest   confidant and closest advisor for many
           accomplishment?                     years. And he was one of the greatest
            I think the most important thing that I   Christians I’ve ever known.
           accomplished was when I married the   6.  The world has changed dramatically dur-
           right girl and we were able to raise the   ing your lifetime. How has your relevance
           kind of family that I’m very proud of. It’s   changed?
           largely her doing because I’ve been gone      If you go back to the Middle Ages or you
           so much.                            go back to the old Roman days, they did
         2.  Have you ever been overwhelmed by the   all sorts of things and they had all kinds
           responsibility of your calling? If so, how   of rules and regulations and they had
           did you deal with it?               the most horrible ways of killing people.
            I must say that it is only by God’s protec-  I think that in many ways we are just
           tion and God’s mercy and I give Him the   the same as they were; our hearts are
           credit and the glory and the honor for   the same. Everything comes from the
           it. But I would think that a great deal of   human heart, and our hearts have been
           prayer is necessary in this work and a   corrupted by sin. And the only answer to
           great deal of humility and realizing  that   sin in my judgment is Christ.
           you depend entirely on the Spirit of God   7.  Has your relationship with God changed
           and that’s the reason in our crusades we   during your life and how has that affected
           put all of the emphasis on prayer.  your message?
         3.  How have crusades changed through       I think it was the Lord that just gradu-
           the years?                          ally changed me. As I began to study the
            The first sermon I ever preached would   Scriptures I began to see how much of
           be about the same as what I preach    the emphasis is on God’s love and mercy
           today; that is the biblical content. But,   and grace because I’m not going to
           of course, in attempting to make it   heaven because I’m good. I’m not going
           relevant to the generation I’m preaching   to heaven because I’ve preached to a lot
           to which is different, or the age, or the   of people. I’m going to heaven because
           geographical location, it has changed   of God’s grace and mercy in Christ at
           tremendously.                       the cross. Grace means unmerited favor,
         4.  When do you feel closest to God?  something I didn’t deserve. I haven’t
                                               worked for. It’s a free gift from God to
            When (I) get through (my) devotions in   me and I emphasize that now in my
           the morning or in the evening or when-  preaching.
           ever, sometimes I take a long walk and   8.  Your delivery style appears to have
           pray or quote a few verses of Scriptures   changed from one of ‘fire and brimstone’
           or at night when I can’t sleep I’m pray-  to one that seems to be of a quieter pas-
           ing, the Lord seems to be right there,   sion. If you agree, why did you feel the
           very close. I don’t want anything else.
                                               need to change your style?
         5.  Who has been or is your mentor?       I think there is a greater emphasis on
            I didn’t realize when I married (Ruth)   social issues, a greater emphasis on the
           that I was getting such a remarkable   love of God. D. L. Moody put a tremen-
           family. Her father became my closest
                                                             Continued on page 115

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