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“The Legacy Sessions have become so future of Virginia Beach students in the-
dear to my heart,” states Theater depart- ater, visual arts, dance, music and
ment head Sharon Byrd, “it has been an vocal performance.
exceptional opportunity for our students Marian Manor is a nonprofit, open
and the residents of Marian Manor to to all faiths, senior independent and
explore this experience with each other. assisted living community for 62 and
I know there have been some special older adults, sponsored by the Catholic
friendships made!”
Diocese of Richmond. Since 1989, this
The Visual and Performing Arts senior care community has provided
Academy at Salem High School is comfortable and affordable apartment
dedicated to improving and shaping the living and care for aging adults.
050-51.LegacySessions.2Art.indd 2 2/22/19 10:51 AM