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Transportation continued
AMBITRANS ___________________________________________941.629.1009
“PUTTING PATIENTS FIRST SINCE 1983” ______________________800.881.1009
Ambitrans is a family owned and operated ambulance and wheelchair
van transportation service. Services are available 24/7/365 with phones
answered by well-trained dispatchers. We utilize state-certified ambulances and ADA-ap-
proved vans and are a contracted supplier for Medicare and Medicaid for
ambulance services. Services include local and long distance transports. Serving Sarasota,
Charlotte, Lee, Manatee and Collier counties. We NEVER close!
Charlotte County Transit Services ___________________________941.575.4000
Dial-A-Ride ___________________________________________941.575.4000
Provides curb to curb public transportation services to all residents and visitors of Charlotte
County for a small fee. Works on advanced reservation basis.
F.I.S.H of Englewood _____________________________________941.475.4494
Provides transportation for anyone unable to drive locally to doctor’s appointments, stores,
banks, etc. (Englewood area residents only)
Sunshine Ride _________________________________________941.575.4000
Provides door to door transportation service to those unable to provide or purchase their own
transportation due to disability, age, living in a rural area or income.
• “Putting Patients First” Since 1983
• Ambulance - Medicare/Medicaid
& Private Insurance
• Wheelchair - ADA Approved
• Services Provided 24/7/365 – We Never Close!
• Servicing Charlotte, Collier, Lee, Manatee &
Sarasota Counties
Call 941-629-1009 or 1-800-881-1009 • Check Us Out: