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     by Bill Clements, Regional Director  about 79 years, a little more than 80
                                         for women, about 76 for men. We now
     So, what do many of the most beloved   know through science and research that
     and enduring musical artists of the past   genetics only make up for about 30%
     50 years (or more), do to stay active   (at best) of your likely lifespan. The real
     and in the game? The answer is a lot   indicators are more often diet (what you
     more basic than you might imagine.   DON’T eat as much as what you do),
     First, though, a little setting of the   exercise, stress management, proper
     table on this article. There are many   rest and generally making good choices.
     celebrities and well-known figures who,   We know, though, that this isn’t always
     at advanced ages, are staying very fit   the case as life often brings unexpected
     and leading active lives. Betty White   challenges and illnesses.
     and Dick Van Dyke are two that come
     quickly to mind. Both are well into their   Moving onward let’s talk about some
     90’s and seemingly cannot be stopped!  folks out there keeping it ‘Forever
                                         Young’. We learned recently that Mick
     For this article, it was interesting to pick   Jagger of Rolling Stones fame had
     a lower threshold of, say, 70 years of age   a substantial heart procedure yet is
     and slightly higher. Then, we decided on   already back on tour. The 75-year-old
     people we all know from popular music   most certainly has access to superior
     for two reasons. One, these are people   healthcare. However, Mick’s secret to a
     who are actively touring and perform-  healthy and active life (and to be able
     ing as much as several times a month,   to tour extensively across the globe) has
     full time, and maintaining the schedules   far more to do with very basic routines
     that accompany it. And two, it would   and exercise. Jagger exercises upwards
     provide a handful of opportunities to   of three hours per day, five to six days
     sprinkle in clever song titles just for   per week. So, it’s clearly a lifestyle
     good measure!
                                         choice. A little dancing, yoga and a good
     Around 1900 or so, the average life ex-  bit of running keep his body slim and
     pectancy of someone born at that time   in shape. He runs approximately eight
     was approximately 50 years. We’ve come  miles a day most days and a little more
     a long way although we sometimes    on occasion when he wants to ‘push
     take it for granted: the average now is   things’. He eats extremely well (which
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