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At Commonwealth Senior Living, we support they deserve. A specific care plan
improve the lives of seniors, their families is developed by our team in cooperation
and each other. Every day. Our commit- with that individual’s family and physician
ment to this mission can be felt through so that their needs, interests and prefer-
everything from our Farm to Table dining ences are all included.
to our Sweet Melodies music program. Memory Care
We improve the lives of our residents Our Sweet Memories™ neighborhood
through an outstanding experience and provides award-winning care to residents
their families through the peace of mind with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Every
knowing that their loved ones are in good detail of our program has been carefully
created to provide a loving, home-like
Independent Living environment. Our caregivers go through
Commonwealth Senior Living is the ideal Virtual Dementia Tour™ training in order
retirement community for seniors who to more fully understand and appreciate
want to enjoy the freedom of living in a how the world is experienced for those
private apartment while appreciating the with Alzheimer’s and dementia. We offer
convenience of professional housekeepers Sweet Melodies, a positive engagement
and maintenance staff, resort-style ameni- music program to connect with our resi-
ties, programs and activities found at a dents. We stay connected to families daily
vibrant community. through SMILE™, our online communi-
cation program. We are truly a partner to
Assisted Living
If and when support is needed with families by joining them on their journey,
activities of daily living, such as getting providing support, and taking on the role
showered, dressed or taking medications, of caregiver so that they may go back to
Commonwealth Senior Living is the pre- being daughter, son, husband or wife.
ferred choice. Residents enjoy a vibrant Come experience Commonwealth Senior
lifestyle while receiving the personalized Living where we live up to our promise to
improve the lives of seniors, their families
and each other.
Call one of our 7 communities in the Wil-
liamsburg and Hampton Roads area today.
See our ad on Page 9 or visit our website