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10        FEATURED ARTICLE                                                                                                       FEATURED ARTICLE   11

        A new report from the Federal Trade Com-  Although they were less likely to report falling
        mission shows that adults aged 60 and older   victim to fraud overall, adults aged 60 and
        are less likely to report losing money to fraud   older also were more likely to report losing
        than younger adults, but the amount of   money to certain specific types of scams.
        money they report losing is on the rise.  They were nearly five times more likely to
        The report, Protecting Older Consumers   report losing money to tech support scams
        2018-2019: A Report of the Federal Trade   than younger consumers, according to the
        Commission, outlines the FTC’s research, law   report, and were more than three times
        enforcement, and education efforts aimed at   more likely to report losses to impostor fraud
        protecting older consumers—a top priority   where someone was impersonating a friend
        for the agency.                      or family member. Prize, sweepstakes, and
        As part of the FTC’s efforts to understand   lottery scams showed a more than two-fold
                                             difference as well.
        how fraud is affecting older adults, the report
        includes analysis of FTC consumer complaint   Older consumers reported losing money most
        data. In 2018, as in 2017, adults aged 60 and   often to phone scams, with online scams
        older were less likely than younger adults   coming in second place. Payment by gift cards
        (aged 20 to 59) to report losing money to   became the most frequently reported method
        fraud. Younger adults reported losing money   of payment by older adults in the second
        more often, but older consumers reported   half of the year, but wire transfers persisted
        much higher dollar losses. In fact, people   in the top spot for total dollars paid by older
        aged 80 and older reported losing the most,   consumers.
        with a median individual reported loss of   Protecting older consumers in the market-
        $1,700—a 55 percent increase over the previ-  place is one of the FTC’s top priorities. In
        ous year.                            conjunction with the report, the FTC has

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