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RESOURCES                                             STATEWIDE   31

     Did you know that many Veterans and their   VA system. Often Veterans and their Family
     families qualify for VA benefits, but do not seek   members attempt to apply to the VA on their
     those benefits because they feel overwhelmed   own, resulting in the Veteran receiving a
     by the process? Sometimes they do not realize   reduced benefit amount, delay in benefit or
     what or if they qualify. There is so much   being wrongfully denied. NAVF works on behalf
     paperwork and the entire process can seem   of these qualified Veterans doing all we can to
     daunting. However, there is good news! There   get their benefits. NAVF’s experienced team
     is help that makes the process seamless and   members and simplified process have resulted
     it’s free!                         in a 99% approval of claims submitted.
     The National Association of Veterans and   Working alongside of the Florida Veterans
     Families (NAVF) is a designated 501(c)(3)   Foundation, a direct support organization to
     Non-Profit Organization. NAVF’s mission is to   the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs,
     help Veterans and their Families obtain the   NAVF has increased outreach to aging Veterans
     benefits they have earned and deserve. NAVF   thereby increasing VA monetary benefits.
     helps with specific issues Veterans and their   Currently, our joint efforts are realizing $10
     surviving spouses encounter when applying   million per month in benefits to aging Veterans
     for benefits from the Department of Veterans   in Florida.
     Affairs (VA). Our NAVF team strives to eliminate   NAVF will be scheduling educational
     the confusion and burden associated with   workshops across Florida beginning in 2020.
     obtaining the Veteran’s benefits.   Please visit our website at
     NAVF specializes in helping qualified Veterans   or call (904) 394-3908 for more exciting
     with a very specific benefit called VA Pension   information including dates, times and
     Plus Aid and Attendance, also known as A   locations of events!
     & A. This A & A benefit helps Veterans and
     their Families by making home care, assisted
     living and nursing home care more affordable.
     NAVF’s experience and understanding of the
     process have resulted in increased approvals
     for Veterans obtaining their A & A benefits.
     Our team of advocates, representing Veterans
     and their Families, helps with the entire
     process from document gathering through the
     application process to the final VA outcome.
     Many Veterans and their spouses are unaware
     of their VA benefits. Too many give up because
     they are unable to successfully navigate the
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