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      What Kind of Caregiver Do You Need to
      Continue to Stay in Your Own Home?

      Written by: Anita Ginsberg
      As you get older, even minimal tasks   number of things like bathing, feeding,
      can be overwhelming. In some cases,   and grooming. Whether your family is
      your everyday duties can be harmful   busy or simply incapable of completing
      for your health. For example, if you   these tasks, a personal caregiver
      mix medications or forget you’ve taken   makes sure you’re clean and healthy
      your medication, you can overdose. If   enough to maintain a good quality
      hiccups like this regularly occur, you   of life. Some companies know that
      loved ones may suggest you move    depending on your personal needs,
      to an assisted living facility. However,   your caregiver may leave or become a
      what if you want to go to an assisted   live-in home care provider.
      living facility? You’ll need someone to
      help you at home instead. Here are   Home Care Assistants
      some of the types of caregivers and   Maybe you want to live at home but
      how they’re essential to your ability to   still want to maintain the structure of
      live at home.                      being in a facility. Maybe you’re unable
                                         to cook, but you can eat on your own.
      Personal Care Professionals        This is the perfect scenario to hire a
      Personal caregivers assist with a   home care assistant.

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