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P. 77
Continued from page 52
should be one of the highest priorities in
don’t want to get to the end of my life and
preventing disablement and disease in the
find that I lived just the length of it. I want to
older adult;physical activity itself may
have lived the width of it as well.”
reduce fall and fall injuries by 35-45%. The
benefits of physical activity in the older adult
If we are wise, as we age we attune ourselves
include reduction of risks of cardiovascular
to the reality that we are closer to death,
disease,hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis,
triggering our focus to living more fully,
obesity, anxiety/depression, delay/preven-
healthier and better, in the present moment.
tion of cognitive impairment, improve sleep Like the poet Diane Ackerman wrote, “I
and prevent unhealthy weight gain. These FEATURED ARTICLE 75
physical activities include aerobic, strength,
Continued from page 46
flexibility and balance exercises on a consis-
crucial and overlooked component The combination of improving sleep
tent basis.
of getting quality sleep. A certified hygiene/ increasing quality sleep and
sleep coach can help identify the a personalized bladder training exercise
So what are our clients’ options after rehab or
many factors and behaviors affecting program is a great 1-2 punch combo
home health? How do we maintain consis-
tency? One option besides trying to have the
sleep that can be easily adjusted but that may not only increase and improve
client rely on potentially unsafe self-training
the quality of your sleeping time, but
often regarded as normal behaviors.
and self-motivation is to incorporate a strat-
Dean K. Flores, CEO, DPT, LSVT BIG
Something as easy as going to possibly decrease the number of times
Continued from page 52
egy of supervision, feedback and reinforce-
Certified, CSSC
should be one of the highest priorities in Like the poet Diane Ackerman wrote, “I
bed when sleepy can make a big you wake at night to urinate and possibly
ment provided by a wellness coach, private
preventing disablement and disease in the don’t want to get to the end of my life and
Lynda M. Parks, COO, DPT, LSVT BIG
find that I lived just the length of it. I want to
pay physical therapist or a personal trainer
difference in falling and remaining even reduce your risk of falls. Our sleep
older adult;physical activity itself may
Certified, CSSC
have lived the width of it as well.”
preferably experienced with the older popu-
asleep. Ever toss and turn for hours science certified Morpheus Wellness
reduce fall and fall injuries by 35-45%. The
Emily Maguire, Health Coach, Dementia
lation. Family members or home care aides,
benefits of physical activity in the older adult
on end trying to get comfortable? coaches will be happy to offer a free
If we are wise, as we age we attune ourselves
Specialist, MHA, OTR/L
include reduction of risks of cardiovascular
as well intentioned as they may be, may not
Instead, leave the room- go to the initial telephone consultation to
to the reality that we are closer to death,
disease,hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis,
Brittany Wingo, Health/Wellness Coach,
be prepared to help perform or correct exer-
triggering our focus to living more fully,
couch, and read a book, listen to soft discuss a personalized program that will
obesity, anxiety/depression, delay/preven-
CCC-SLP, LSVT-Loud Certified
cises established by the therapist, and may
healthier and better, in the present moment.
tion of cognitive impairment, improve sleep
music like new age or classical or suit your needs.
actually increase the risk of injury by not
and prevent unhealthy weight gain. These
browse through a magazine.
recognizing unsafe movements/mobility or
physical activities include aerobic, strength,
flexibility and balance exercises on a consis-
not be able to identify poor technique. By
tent basis.
Other examples of changes that will Call 813-586-0542 or visit
providing good feedback, motivation and
help improve your sleep are:
sound coaching, there will be increased ad-
So what are our clients’ options after rehab or
- Decrease your naps or the length
herence in home-based exercises, as patients
home health? How do we maintain consis-
who know they are performing the task
of them for more information
tency? One option besides trying to have the
correctly are more likely to adhere to their
client rely on potentially unsafe self-training
- Limit caffeine intake after noon
and self-motivation is to incorporate a strat- Dean K. Flores, CEO, DPT, LSVT BIG
programs. Exercise/physical activity is one of
- Make sure you are using the
egy of supervision, feedback and reinforce- Certified, CSSC
the main pillars of healthy habits in addition
appropriate pillow if you are a Lynda M. Parks, COO, DPT, LSVT BIG
ment provided by a wellness coach, private
to sleep, nutrition and mental health.
pay physical therapist or a personal trainer
side, back or tummy sleeper Certified, CSSC
Morpheus Wellness provides a safe, holistic
preferably experienced with the older popu-
- Don’t read, be on the phone or Emily Maguire, Health Coach, Dementia
lation. Family members or home care aides,
and effective means of continuing fitness
watch TV while in bed: blue light Specialist, MHA, OTR/L
as well intentioned as they may be, may not
after rehab and home health; we aim to en-
Brittany Wingo, Health/Wellness Coach,
be prepared to help perform or correct exer-
keeps your brain awake! Dean K. Flores, CEO, DPT, LSVT BIG
courage and promote an active lifestyle as we
cises established by the therapist, and may
Certified, CSSC
- Try diffusers with oils such as CCC-SLP, LSVT-Loud Certified
age, while integrating prior interests, hobbies
actually increase the risk of injury by not
and/or athletic activities into the personalized Lynda M. Parks, COO, DPT, LSVT BIG
lavender which helps promote
recognizing unsafe movements/mobility or
sleep Certified, CSSC
not be able to identify poor technique. By
Call 813-586-0542 or visit
Continued on page 63 - Maintain clean air vents/replace Emily Maguire, Health Coach, Dementia
providing good feedback, motivation and
Specialist, MHA, OTR/L
sound coaching, there will be increased ad-
air filters; dust can interrupt your
herence in home-based exercises, as patients
sleep as well! Brittany Wingo, Health/Wellness Coach,
who know they are performing the task for more information
- Change clothes in the bathroom; CCC-SLP, LSVT-Loud Certified 2/9/21 2:54 PM
correctly are more likely to adhere to their
052 063 FL Morpheus.indd 2
2/9/21 2:54 PM
052 063 FL Morpheus.indd 2
programs. Exercise/physical activity is one of
leave the room dark,cool and
the main pillars of healthy habits in addition
ready for rest
to sleep, nutrition and mental health. Call 813-586-0542 or visit
- Invest in blackout curtains in
Morpheus Wellness provides a safe, holistic
order to leave the morning light
and effective means of continuing fitness
out of your eyes
after rehab and home health; we aim to en-
courage and promote an active lifestyle as we
age, while integrating prior interests, hobbies
and/or athletic activities into the personalized
Continued on page 63
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