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96   EAST COAST FLORIDA                                                              FEATURED ARTICLE


                        For Our     Community

                      Sponsored by: Parrish Healthcare

     Every COVID-19 vaccination represents concentric   arrival, as the lady’s husband opened the door,
     circles of effects around us, and for us. When   he greeted us with, “Thank you!”  We were able
     fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccinations   to assist him and his wife’s caregiver get his wife
     protect the person being vaccinated, and helps   back in to bed, and then, in the comfort of their
     to protect everyone with whom that person will   home, administered her vaccine.
     come into contact, progressing on in concentric
     circles. To widen our reach, and impact even more   During the observation period, we filled the time
     people, Parrish care partners mobilized and set   with conversations pertaining to the family and
     up a vaccination site at The Great Outdoors to   the husband’s love for his wife. We learned that
     vaccinate nearly 300 members of our community.   all of his nine siblings are nurses, and his son a
                                         surgeon. He explained that because he is able to
     Care partner Eugene LaCoste, Manager of   obtain home care for his severely debilitated wife,
     Business Operations, writes, “As we planned   he is able to keep her home where they are both
     for this event earlier in the week, a particular   most happy.
     recipient was identified as being bed-bound and
     may have some difficulty making it to the clinic.   The husband was beaming the entire time we
     Instead of the family and care giver spending the   were there, expressing how grateful he was
     morning prepping her for transport, using a Hoyer  for our support in protecting his beloved wife.
     lift to place her in a wheelchair and then again
     into their vehicle, we were able to pay a visit to   Parrish Healthcare is Healing Families—Healing
     their home and provide the vaccine to this patient   Communities®. We continue to grow and to serve,
     with the least amount of disruption to her.  with excellence, the health and wellness needs
     LeeAnn Cottrell and I went on a golf cart   of husbands, wives – and everyone – in our
     adventure with vaccine in tow. Immediately upon   community.
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