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By Ed Henkler
Vision loss – the end, the beginning, Eventually, it’s time to move on. Ev-
something else entirely? I’ve asked a lot eryone adapts at a different pace and
of people whether they would rather there is no one “right” speed. There is
lose a limb or their eyesight. Almost also a complex relationship with the
universally, the response is the limb. individuals who step into the caregiver
That’s how much people dread vision role. They will initially do everything
loss. That’s a bit daunting given the they can to protect and assist you. In
prevalence of vision loss as people age. time, one of three paths will be cho-
sen. Ideally, the person who has lost
Rather than be dismayed, I would argue their sight will adapt fairly quickly and
that there is a bright future with vision their support network will evolve from
loss. How can you say that, you may be caretaking to caregiving. The other two
wondering? It is my firm belief that you paths are not as smooth. Perhaps the
can thrive with vision loss. Is it easy? person with vision loss will struggle to
Not even close, but it is possible, with accept the loss and the caregiver will
some patience and a positive spirit. lose patience with them. Alternatively,
When vision loss is first detected, it is the person who has lost their sight will
likely you’ll be devastated and…that’s adapt but the caregiver will find it hard
OK. In fact, it’s not only OK, it’s neces- to set them free. You can learn more
sary. It may be helpful to consider the about caregiving versus caretaking at
insights of Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, The Blind Guide (
who is famously known for her five caregivers-vs-caretakers/).
stages of grief. These are a series of
emotional stages experienced by sur- While I am fully sighted, I have personal
vivors of an intimate’s death. They can experience with the transition associ-
be readily applied to a devastating life ated with vision loss. In the mid-1990’s,
change, such as vision loss. my mom called to tell me that she had