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As it turns out bingo is more than just a fun Significant improvement in hand-eye
activity. Researchers have found that playing coordination occurs with many seniors due
bingo has multiple health benefits for the to the speed required and the repetitive
elderly. It takes concentration - which nature of the game. Even seniors with
improves listening and short term memory dementia issues have shown improvement.
skills and it promotes socialization - which Using larger cards with larger and bolder
is essential for seniors to maintain a happy type and a high contrast in color improve
and healthy lifestyle. If your elderly loved thinking skills and memory among patients
one likes to play bingo, it can be an with dementia issues including Alzheimer’s
excellent way to promote mental, emotional, and Parkinson’s disease.
and physical health. This may be a good Social Perks of Bingo
way to get your loved one motivated and
interested in other activities. Lack of socialization will have a
negative impact on one’s health and
Bingo is the American version of a game that wellbeing, especially for older persons.
originated as an Italian Lottery dating back Being social can reduce stress, depression
as far as the mid-1500s. When the game and anxiety while increasing one’s physical
reached North America in 1929 it was known health. Seniors who participate in regular
as “beano” but later renamed bingo after a social activities tend to live longer and have
caller yelled out “BINGO” instead of beano. healthier lives. Becoming part of a regular
Bingo is a mainstay at local senior and com- bingo group provides the opportunity to stay
munity centers all across the US. acquainted with friends and even make some
Cognitive Benefits of Bingo new ones. Connecting with others gives a
With the concentration and listening skill senior something to look forward to as well
it takes to play bingo, one’s cognitive abilities as a purpose. Statics show that seniors
are sharpened. Since the game requires who maintain social interaction have a much
alertness to hear the numbers and remember slower decline mentally and physically than
that information to transfer it to the cards those who do not.
they are playing, it improves memory. Condensed from