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P. 6
SENIOR PUBLISHER, MIDLANDS 8 Article: Margaritaville
Crystal Schafer
cell 803-730-6376 30-31 The Scoop - Seen & Heard: See what’s
been going on in the area
Tonya Fields Article: Don't Be Misled by Falst
cell 864-423-5161 48 Medicare or Social Security Ads
REGIONAL DIRECTOR Article: Why Social Security Retirement
Bill Clements 57
704-609-3904 Is Important to Women
76-77 Who to Call - Help & Information
Ann Bauckman
84-85 Alpha Index: Find advertisers by name
Martha Gerstein
116 Stoney Point Lane directories
Chapin, SC 29036
PUBLISHED BY 33 Mature Lifestyle Living: Information on
Fairfax Publishing Company LLC senior apartments, active adult, and
14 Pidgeon Hill Drive, Suite 330 independent living
Sterling, VA 20165
PRESIDENT 40 Levels of Care Living: Information on
Robert O’Malley
CCRCs, assisted living, Alzheimer's &
memory care, and nursing homes &
skilled care
68 Care Services & Assistance:
Proud Member of S.C.P.M. Information on rehabilitation services,
companion & licensed home health
care, and hospice & palliative care
All real estate advertised in Senior Living Guide
is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act. This 74 Senior Lifestyle Services:
federal law makes it illegal to advertise any Information on products & services
preference, limitation or discrimination based
on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or related to retirement and elder living
national origin, or intention to make any such preferences,
limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept
any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the
law. All persons are hereby informed that all real estate
advertised in Senior Living Guide is available on an equal
opportunity basis.
Information contained herein has been furnished by
community owners, managers and agents. Fairfax
Publishing Company, Inc. and Charlotte Senior Living do
not make any representations as to opinions and facts.
All terms and conditions of rentals are subject to change.
South Carolina Senior Living retains all rights reserved by
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any form without the written permission of the publisher.