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     I don’t know about you, but I’m ready   grill, some yard games, or a beautiful
     for some fresh air and outdoor activ-  sunset are great ways to get out and
     ity! Call it Spring Fever, blame it on the   breathe that fresh air deeply!
     wintery weather in January and Febru-  2. Enjoy your neighborhood. Maybe it’s
     ary, or whatever reason that will get you   your apartment building’s amenities, or
     up and moving.                      a nearby park – maybe even a walking
     The most significant threat to your   path or hiking trail that will get you up
     health over the past year, beyond   and reconnected with your surround-
     COVID19, has been the isolation it has   ings. Remember to follow the basics
     caused for so many of us. This dimin-  of prevention when you visit shared
     ished human contact leaves many with   outdoor spaces (see Review of Health
     sadness, or a yearning to take a risk   Precautions below). When you pass
     attending a gathering.  As we see the   others on a walking path, remember to
     transmission rates declining and the   keep your safe distance – but be sure to
     number of citizens vaccinated, we want   wave and say hello. It will make every-
     to see our friends and family. We can   one feel better.
     socialize – some – in ways that health   3. Enjoy your favorite restaurant. Picking
     officials advise are safer. So here are   up take out or ordering delivery is the
     some things and some pointers to get   safest way to support local businesses
     up, get outside, and enjoy Spring and   and enjoy your favorite foods. Some
     Summer moments with family, friends   people also feel safe enough to eat
     and neighbors. We have to keep space   out at outdoor dining or sparsly-seated
     between us – but not let it create a dis-  indoor spaces. If you choose to eat out,
     tance among us.                     you can ask the establishment about
     1. Enjoy your own backyard. An outdoor  their cleanliness certification or process
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