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Eat Your Vegetables!
Farm to Table | Today from the Bay | Babylon Micro-Farms
As we age, a balanced diet is food transportation, and reduced
more important than ever. The food waste by almost 400 pounds.
benefits of farm-to-table dining This award-winning partnership in
include reducing blood pressure, hydroponic farming provides the
lowering risk of heart disease, and freshest produce available, helped
promoting higher brain activity. to grow by our own residents.
Recognizing this importance,
Commonwealth Senior Living
launched several programs to help
bring fresh foods and vegetables to
In 2015, we launched our
Farm-to-Table dining program
in partnership with Produce
Source Partners. This brought For seniors still living at home,
fresh, Virginia grown fruits here are a few tips on making
and vegetables to all of our healthy choices easier:
communities. 1. Cook at home more often
In 2016, the program was 2. Eat what’s in season
expanded with Today from the 3. Eat local!
Bay, in partnership with Sam Rust It is a privilege for our
Seafood, to introduce seasonal communities to continue to
seafood from the Chesapeake Bay. implement these extraordinary
The next introduction was dining programs which ultimately
Babylon Micro-Farms, one of help improve the lives of seniors.
the first of its kind in the senior Contact a Commonwealth Senior
living industry, and we are proud Living community near you to find
to be able to integrate their fresh, out what’s on the menu today!
locally-sourced vegetables into our Visit to
residents’ dining. In 2020 alone, find the community nearest you.
our communities’ Micro-Farms
grew over 24 thousand plants,
saved over 325 gallons of water,
avoided over 43 million miles of