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     ideal destination for aging in place. For
    Continued from page 5               so many opportunities to engage with
     starters, the architecture and design of   other residents, many often find that
     each community makes it an aes-    their social circle expands dramatically.
     thetically desirable place to live. The   These connections give residents a
     centrally located corridor known as   sense of belonging, which is important
     Main Street gives residents the conve-  as we age. Here are a few of the com-
     nience of an in-house bank, pharmacy,   ments we hear regularly:
     gift shop, salon, and movie theatre, all   “Our community is the best because we
     right down the street. It’s truly a com-  care so much about each other and all
     munity that supports the needs and   the wonderful people that work here. I
     lifestyles of seniors.
                                        love my neighbors and they care about
     Other benefits include the all-inclusive   me! I am so happy here.” - Ann R.
     monthly cost that allows residents to
     simply manage their budgets. Services   “I was so excited to organize our floor
     such as transportation, housekeeping,   block party! We mixed and mingled
     and Freedom Dining make life easier   with current and newly moved-in
     and more enjoyable. For added peace   residents. It was fantastic to see people
     of mind, RLC has on-site staff that   who didn’t know each other connect
     provides assistance through a 24/7   and have a great time. We just love it
     emergency call system, concierge ser-  here!” – Suzanne F.
     vices, and live-in managers. And, when   Celebrate Life While Aging in Place
     it comes to needing additional home   If you’re in the process of deciding
     support, residents have the freedom to   where you’d like to live throughout
     contract with their choice of provid-  your golden years, we invited you to
     ers. If someone needs help finding a   visit an RLC community. Take a tour,
     service, each RLC community has re-  meet a few friendly faces, and see what
     lationships with fee-based, local home   a resort lifestyle could look like for
     care providers to facilitate that search.     you. You never know, this could be the
     Live Life to the Fullest           yellow brick road that leads you to a
     Another noteworthy benefit of RLC   home like no other!
     is having a full-time lifestyle director
     who plans social activities that seniors
     are interested in. Because there are
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