Page 126 - WCFL Senior Living Resource Summer/Fall 2019
P. 126

126    SOUTHEAST FLORIDA                          HOME CARE SERVICES

                                        By Darleen Mahoney
                                        Some choose to do so because they
                                        would like to take a more relaxing ap-
                                        proach to the kitchen in their retire-
                                        ment years and do not want to sacrifice
                                        nutritional benefits.

                                        What should be considered?
                                        • Diets - multiple health reasons can
                                         limit one’s diet options, choosing a
                                         delivery service that takes these seri-
                                         ously in their food prep, but still can
     Recently our website, SeniorLiving-  provide tasty food would be ideal., added a chat box. We
     decided to have a very hands on ap-  • Affordability - Meal delivery may be
     proach to this as we wanted to have   a more affordable option than eating
     our own team answering and interact-  out. For some Seniors, there are also
     ing with our online visitors and we   services such as Meals On Wheels
     also wanted to have additional insight
     to what our visitors were looking for
     when visiting our website. Our online   • Taste - This is very important in
     chats have been very eye opening in the    choosing a delivery service, does it
     inquiries that our online visitors need   taste good? If not, continue looking
     help with even beyond the scope of    at different options. There are many
     housing needs.                      websites  such as, www.momsmeals.
                                         com and,
     Meal delivery for Seniors has been a   that may offer healthy solutions to
     topic that our team has recently    meal delivery.
     assisted in.
     Why is this important to Seniors?
     Why are more seniors or their care-
     givers choosing delivery services for
     health reasons?

     Some of the reasons would be out of
     necessity. They do not have the ability
     to prepare healthy meals due to their
     own health reasons or they are over-
     whelmed with caring for their spouse.
                                                        Continued on page 130
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