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Why is Senior Living
Right for You?
The Answer Might Just Surprise You
written by: SRI Management
When thinking of moving into a senior option to have meals in a dining room
living community, a common question is and participate in activities within the
this: Is a senior living community right for community.
me? Many factors come into play to answer
this question, but one factor to consider is • An Assisted Living Community is
the level of care. Senior housing can be appropriate for those who can no
broken down into three distinct longer live independently and
communities which offer different levels of require a level of assistance day to
care: day. This assistance can include (but
is not limited to) help with bathing,
• An Independent Living dressing, medications, and eating.
Community is like an apartment Some may only need assistance with
complex (or even a standalone home) one activity or multiple activities.
for seniors who can care for Assisted Living communities allow
themselves. There are also a few for seniors to get the assistance they
more amenities included with need while still being as independent
Independent Living. First, there is the as possible while enjoying life.