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                                                     Day Care

     Provided by: Genevieve Barbeau-Nassar Owner/Operator
     All Smiles Senior & Adult Day Care • Business: 941-882-3059 or Text to 941-228-4571
     Adult Day Care is becoming increasingly   When choosing an Adult Day Care center you
     popular for families wanting to have their   want to make sure you know what it is that
     loved ones at home while maintaining their   you would expect from this type of service. For
     usual lifestyle. As a caregiver, you are not   some families it is the social interaction, for
     limited to only in home care or assisted living   others it may be a secure facility and for some
     care. Adult Day Care allows a caregiver to   people, they may require more assistance and
     have daytime respite to either rest, work   a facility that allows for walkers, wheelchair
     or complete day-to-day duties that may   and incontinent care. Some Adult Day Care are
     otherwise be difficult to do while caregiving.   strictly social, some medical and others are
     Day Care also provides participants with a safe   Alzheimer specialized.
     and secure environment to enjoy socializing,   Whichever choice you make when deciding
     interacting and participating in activities   which center best suits your needs it is
     with others in similar situations. Caregiving   important to ensure that the activity calendar
     requires 24 hour care, Day Care can help you   or backup activities are made to suit the
     and the participant maintain a certain level of   needs of your love one, whether they
     independence while also giving the option to   participate or not. Often times a participant
     stay home.
                                         may not be able to follow alone, however
     Choosing an Adult Day Care can be   having the ability to watch, laugh and have a
     challenging. Every Day Care is different in the   trained staff member assist and guide them
     programs, activities and level of care they   with the activity can bring them just as much
     offer. Some families look for a larger center   happiness!
     that has different ways of structuring the day,   Adult Day Cares in Florida have a very stringent
     whereas other centers are smaller and more   licensing process. It is important to ensure the
     Alzheimer oriented with the same structure as   facility is licensed with the Agency for Health
     the larger groups but offers the flexibility for   Care Administration and that the license is
     the participant to do what they would prefer if   clearly posted, valid and up to date. They
     they do not want to participate.
                                         should also ensure adult day care is Alzheimer
                                         specialized if welcoming an Alzheimer patient.
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