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     Dorothy and her sweet terrier, Toto,   their existing residence or moving to
     aren’t the only ones who believe   a nursing facility as they age. Today,
     “there’s no place like home.” Accord-  there’s another option available that
     ing to a report from the AARP Public   appeals to many: a resort-style retire-
     Policy Institute and the National Con-  ment community that offers the best of
     ference of State Legislatures, roughly   both worlds.
     90% of American seniors want to live
     in their home or community for as   The Benefits of Aging in Place
     long as possible. They love being where   Retirement communities offer an excit-
     things are familiar and comfortable. As   ing new choice for seniors, and provide
     a result, more people are choosing to   a range of services to accommodate
     “age in place” rather than move into a   more people with a variety of needs.
     nursing home or assisted living facility.    Living spaces are thoughtfully designed
                                        for seniors, and the amenities and sup-
     How Do You Age in Place?           portive services offered allow people to
     Seniors that prefer to maintain    live independently and safely for a long
     freedom and independence in their   period of time.
     residence of choice are said to be aging
     in place. They wish to surround them-  In fact, many seniors who insist on
     selves with familiarity and comfort,   staying in their homes suddenly feel
     and be connected to the things most   like they have an option to live on their
     important to them, for as long as pos-  own in a private apartment surrounded
     sible.  Fortunately, it’s becoming easier   by their own things, while also enjoy-
     for seniors to live at home for longer   ing activities and services they would
     periods thank to services like home   never have at home. The concept of
     health care, and advanced technology,   aging in a community, where there are
     such as medical alert systems.     plenty of things to do and new friends
                                        to meet, can make life more fulfilling!
     Another trend that’s helping seniors   A New Way to Age in Place
     age in place is the expanded definition
     of “place.” Until recent years, seniors   As more seniors are researching com-
     had the choice of either staying in   munities, they’re discovering RLC is an
                                                         Continued on page 27
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