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This summer’s grand opening of Margaritaville presents the lifestyle of
LATITUDE MARGARITAVILLE, Hilton fun, food and music portrayed in the
Head’s nine Margaritaville-inspired songs of legendary singer, songwriter
model homes, drew more than 2,500 and best-selling author Jimmy Buffett.
aspiring homeowners for a first look at
the vibrant new community’s colorful LATITUDE MARGARITAVILLE Hilton
single-family and villa homes. Visitors Head is the second of the communi-
also toured the Lake Latitude Club that ties to be introduced. The first location
features a resort-style pool, beach area, in Daytona Beach, Florida was ranked
fitness center and party room. the nation’s most popular active adult
community of 2018 by
Latitude Margaritaville Hilton Head is Additional LATITUDE MARGARITA-
located in Hardeeville, South Carolina VILLE locations are planned for some
— the scenic gateway to Hilton Head of the nation’s most popular destina-
Island. This dynamic new community tions, including Watersound, Florida in
for those 55-and-better who are “grow- the Florida Panhandle.
ing older…but not up” combines South LATITUDE MARGARITAVILLE Hilton
Carolina’s charm and hospitality with Head includes walkable neighborhoods,
Latitude Margaritaville’s “no worries” golf-cart friendly streets and a lively
tropical vibe to deliver a whole new ele- Town Center, currently under construc-
ment to Lowcountry living. Sales have tion and slated to open in 2019. Mu-
begun in the community’s Phase I that sic will play an important part in the
includes 203 home sites. Plans call for a community with residents enjoying live
total of 3,000 homes.
entertainment under the bandshell and
Latitude Margaritaville is a totally new dancing in the Latitude Town Square.
lifestyle concept by master developer
Minto Communities and global lifestyle Resort level amenities will include a
brand Margaritaville Holdings that is state-of-the-art Fins Up! Fitness Center
redefining active adult living. Latitude with aerobics studio, indoor lap pool,
Continued on page 22