Page 28 - WCFL Senior Living Guide
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A few simple precautions can help make your or assisted living community safer is:
home or senior living community safe for you or • Removing any tripping hazards – fix any loose
your senior from dangerous falls. carpet, throw away rugs, remove furniture that
may block or make maneuvering around a
According to the Centers for Disease Control space more difficult.
and Prevention, falls are the number one cause
of injuries among Seniors. A person living with • Clutter – A neat home free of clutter can help
a cognitive impairment such as dementia or prevent a fall
Alzheimer’s is two to three times more likely to • Lighting – Inadequate lighting, especially for
experience a fall with serious injury than their seniors who may have poor eyesight or may
cognitively intact counterparts. Injuries from falls be unsteady, can be detrimental to a senior
in seniors are more detrimental as they may re- living space
sult in a more serious injury or even death. These • Foot wear – While socks and slippers may be
more serious injuries can include hip fractures, the most comfortable, its important to make
cuts, serious head and brain injuries. Even when sure that they are non-slip. If possible,
there is no serious injury, a fall can be very scary encourage them to wear something with a
for a senior and cause them to avoid activities rubber sole
out of fear of falling. • Non-slip flooring – Add non-slip linings to tubs
Due to the high risk of falls associated with this and showers
population, creating a safe home environment Falls among seniors are a serious problem and a
and living space is extremely critical. bad fall can have a huge impact on an otherwise
You can make your home safe from falls with healthy and independent senior. The good news
a few basic changes. It does not have to be a is that falls can be prevented. Following the
complete house remodel; a few simple tweaks simple guidelines and doing a little planning can
can make a big impact. significantly reduce the threat of a fall, giving
you or your loved ones many more years of
The bathroom can be one of the most dangerous independent living.
rooms in a home. Falls often occur when getting
in and out of the tub or shower. Grab bars are Grabcessories are the latest cutting edge fall
an essential part of any Senior’s bathroom. Grab prevention innovation highly demanded by senior
bars reduce the risk of slipping and falling. Grab living, residential homes and hotels to provide a
bars are inexpensive and simple to install. If you beautiful, safe and optimally functional
have concerns about the appearance of installing bathroom environment.
grab bars in your home and want to maintain
a certain aesthetic appeal,
offers beautiful safety grab bars that blend
right in to your living space. Their products
completely blend into a bathroom design
while providing a safe environment. They offer
2-in-1 Fall prevention systems disguising grab
bars as bath accessories. These fall prevention
accessories are not only available for homes
but cater to senior living communities as well.
Other important tips to make the rest of a home