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     •  According to a study released by The Bar-  citizen. In 2001 he was knighted as he re-
       na Group on January 14, 2005, senior pas-  ceived the Honorary Knight Commander
       tors across the spectrum of Pentecostal,   of the Order of the British Empire (KBE)
       Baptist and “mainline” churches named   for his international contribution to civic
       Billy Graham as the individual who has   and religious life over 60 years.
       the greatest influence on churches today,   •  Billy Graham’s Decision magazine began
       and as the most trusted spokesperson for   publication with the November 1960 is-
       Christianity.                       sue; it had a print run of 299,000 copies at
     •  When Billy Graham gave the invocation   its inception. (JAIA p. 295)
       at the National Prayer Service following   •  Originally planned for six weeks, Billy
       President Bush’s inauguration, it was his   Graham’s 1957 New York City crusade in
       ninth time participating in an inaugural   Madison Square Garden was extended
       event. This ties the participation record   to 16 weeks and included one meeting at
       held by Chief Justice John Marshall who   Yankee Stadium which was attended by
       administered the oath of office nine times   120,000 people. A final rally was held in
       in the early 1800s.                 Times Square where Mr. Graham used the
     •  When Billy Graham was named in the   movie marquee titles from 42nd Street
       Gallup Poll’s list of the Ten Most Admired   theaters as the theme of his message.
       Men in the World in December 2017, it   •  Billy Graham’s favorite hymn is “And Can
       marked the 41st consecutive time he was   It Be”.
       on the list, and the 60th time overall,
       more than any other individual in the
     •  When Billy Graham took over as presi-
       dent of Northwestern Schools in Decem-
       ber 1947 he became the youngest college
       president in the nation. (JAIA p. 116)
     •  In the early 1950s, the president of Para-
       mount Studios, Frank Freeman, offered
       Billy Graham a role in one of his movies.
       Billy declined, saying he was called to be
       an evangelist, not a movie star. (JAIA p.
     •  Billy Graham’s first crusade took place
       in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1947, two
       years before his Los Angeles Crusade
       launched him to national prominence.
     •  In 1996 Billy Graham was awarded the
       Congressional Gold Medal, the highest
       honor Congress can bestow on a private
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