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     Continued from page 9
     day that sibling may be bigger, stronger,   medical and technological innovations
     and smarter? The same caution may    may provide vision which is superior
     apply to folks who are disabled.    to your original vision.  I think the
                                         following revision may read better: If
     Technology is bringing us to the cusp of   you’re losing your vision, I know you
     a major shift in how people with    can choose to thrive and, in time,
     disabilities perform. Thinking back to   medical and technological innovations
     the bionic man TV show, it’s not dif-  may provide vision which is superior to
     ficult to envision a world in which the   your original vision.
     apps and prostheses used by people with
     disabilities will give them superpowers.
     At that point, the enabling technology   Ed Henkler is the Founder of The Blind
     may become a designer choice. Arthur   Guide, which seeks to help people thrive
     Lowery is a professor of electrical and   with vision loss. A Naval Academy
     computer systems engineering at Aus-  graduate, he has diverse industry
     tralia’s Monash University. Lowery and   experience from leadership roles in large
     his team are working on a technology   cap biopharmaceuticals, medical device,
     called Gennaris. This system will bypass   start-up, and non-profit settings. These
     the optic nerve and stimulate the brain’s   follow a career which began with the Navy
     visual cortex directly, sending a grid of   nuclear power program, as well as sharing
     electrical impulses that the brain can in-  his knowledge as a ROTC instructor at NC
                                         State University. That diversity of
     terpret as recognizable patterns of light   experience, from integrating a $1B
     and dark. It’s obviously only early stages   acquisition into
     but if technology can deliver the visible   a $60B company
     light spectrum, why not also provide   through revitalizing
     infrared or ultraviolet? Superpowers   a struggling
     anyone?                             non-profit and
                                         assisting many
     What’s the bottom line? If you’re losing   startups, informs
     your vision, I know you can choose to   his thinking.
     thrive and, if you wait long enough,

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