Page 49 - north and central 2019
P. 49
We understand the challenges you face
when trying to recover from a hospitaliza-
tion for a major illness or sudden trauma.
851 W. Lumsden Road
We work with you to identify exactly what Brandon, FL 33511
your needs are, and then we carefully 888.381.2611
design an individual treatment plan with
specific and realistic goals. Assisted Living Facility License #9949
New classes include: Plants 101, Canasta,
Ladies Group, Painting, Storytelling, and more.
The Sunshine Center has a variety of affordable
exercise classes and a fitness center. We feature a
cookout on the first and third Wednesdays and a full
café five days a week. Our regimen of health programs
include live presentations and free acupuncture. Volun-
teers always needed. Call or stop by for times/prices or
our free newsletter! 727-893-7101