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                                               By Cindy P. Greer

     What is it about the word “downsizing”   United States Department of Health
     that creates a feeling of dread in most of   and Human Services, the 65+ popula-
     us? Is it all the decisions that need to be   tion will almost double from 40 million
     made? Is it the memories we attach to   to 72 million by 2040, and currently
     our possessions? Is it because we can’t   10,000 individuals 65+ are retiring each
     physically reach all the areas where our   day! This also means that resources and
     things are stored? Is it because we just   markets to help with this process may
     have too much stuff?!? While downsiz-  be stretched thin.
     ing can be a big project filled with emo-  Possession Paralysis – What?!
     tion, when approached from a positive
     frame of mind and with proper support,   In a recent study of seniors 60+ con-
     there really is no downside to downsiz-  ducted by University of Kansas geron-
     ing!                                tologist, David Ekerdt, 60% responded
                                         that they had more possessions than
     Join The Crowd                      they needed and 75% felt trapped by too
                                         much stuff! People are “paralyzed” to
                                         make a change because of owning too
                                         much stuff!
                                         Whether a person is a shopper, a col-
                                         lector, or has simply lived in the same
                                         home for 30, 40, or even 50 years, there
                                         will likely come a time when they are
                                         faced with the decision to downsize. The
     You are not alone if you are consider-  need to downsize can be felt by empty
     ing downsizing your home. According   nesters who prefer to be free of the
     to the 2014 statistics provided by the
                                         maintenance of the large family home,
                                                           Continued on page 25
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