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10        FEATURED ARTICLE                                FEATURED ARTICLE   11

        released a new interactive infographic that al-  The Federal Trade Commission works to
        lows the public to look at the FTC’s data about  promote competition, and protect and
        how fraud affects consumers of various age   educate consumers. You can learn more
        groups. This   ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––          about consumer
        new graphic    Consumers 60 and older report losing      topics and file a
        shows differ-                                            consumer com-
        ences in reports  money to scams less often than younger   plaint online or by
        and losses, as   adults, but when they do lose money,    calling 1-877-FTC-
        well as the top                                          HELP (382-4357).
        categories of    they report higher individual losses    Like the FTC on
        frauds reported   ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––       Facebook, follow
        by various age                                           us on Twitter,
        groups.                             read our blogs, and subscribe
        In addition to the analysis of complaints,   to press releases for the latest FTC news
        the report also focuses on key enforcement   and resources.
        actions the FTC has taken to protect older   Jay Mayfield
        consumers, including acting against the op-  Office of Public Affairs
        erators of fake medical insurance plans, tech   202-326-2656
        support scams, bogus business opportunity   Patricia Poss
        schemes, real estate scams, and others. The   Bureau of Consumer Protection
        report highlights a number of ongoing law   202-326-2413
        enforcement partnerships
        in which the FTC works with
        other federal agencies, along
        with state and local authori-
        ties, to take actions to protect
        older consumers.
        Finally, the report details the
        FTC’s outreach and education
        efforts through such programs
        as the Pass it On campaign,
        which focuses on providing
        fraud prevention resources
        to older adults so they can
        help protect their communi-
        ties by sharing the informa-
        tion and materials with
        family and friends. The FTC
        recently added new Pass It On
        materials, including articles
        about home repair scams and
        unwanted calls.
        The Commission voted
        5-0 to approve the report
        to Congress.

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