Page 8 - 2022 Krone Pre-Season Catalogue - 16pp
P. 8

        TEDDERS                                                            KRONE’S WAGONS &                                    RAKES                                                             LEADING DURABILITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                   & STABILITY WITH
        & WAGONS                                                       TEDDERS ARE THE KEY TO                                  RANGE                                                           EXCEPTIONAL LIFT TINE.                     TEDDERS, WAGONS, RAKES  |  KRONE
                                                                            QUALITY FORAGE.

              0.9          %  FINANCE                                                                                                                                                                                  NEW

                              UP TO 60 MONTHS *

                   ACROSS THE KRONE RANGE

           NEW VENDRO 790                                                                                                                                                                                              NEW SWADRO TC1370

        VENDRO & KWT TEDDERS                                                                                                   SWADRO RAKES

                   New ‘Vendro’ linkage tedder range       Features the heaviest square tube frame on                                    New TC1370 four rotor rake with         Exceptionally strong frame for high stability   Fully enclosed gearbox with dry cam track
                 available from 4.6m to 11.2m, replacing        the market, with the gearbox installed under                           hydropneumatic suspension and       and durability, setting the benchmark for four   design - no oil leaks.
                   the existing KW linkage tedder range.  the frame to maintain strength in the frame                                  integral Soft-Down drop rate control.  rotor raking.            Your choice of height adjustment –
        New features include Krone OptiTurn rotors   and remove any stress.                                                    New TC1370 tyre size 710/35 R22.5 and new   Single rotor working widths 3.5m - 4.6m.  mechanical or fully electric from the cab.
        with new OptiTurn curved tine for optimum   KWT trailed tedders with working widths from                               very wide rotor tyres of size 16x9.50-8.  The TC / TS Multi Rotor Range with working
        throw of crop, ensuring clean high-quality                                                                                       New for 2022 is the TC1250 all             widths up to 19m in centre or side delivery.
        forage.                             8.8m to 19.6m; not all models will include the
                                            new Vendro updates.                                                                        mechanical four rotor rake with 12.5m
        Runout stock still available for existing KW                                                                                   working width. Limited supply.
        linkage range.                      Krone’s OctoLink clutches are always in mesh     OCTOLINK
                                            for full power and do not require greasing.                                        KRONE’S LIFT TINE
        Linkage tedders with working widths from
        4.6m to 11m.
                                                                                                                               Lifts the crop off the ground towards the
                                                                                                                               centre of the tine for improved fodder
                                                                                                                               quality and less drag.
        WAGON RANGE (28M  - 56M )                                                                                              Higher forward speeds.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SWADRO TC760
        Krone’s extensive range of AX, MX, RX, TX    Features the best and strongest axle, using
        and ZX silage wagons ranging from    components from Krone’s semi-trailer
        28m  - 56m .                        manufacturing division and removes any                                                                                 DURAMAX DRY
                                            stress.                                                                                                                CAM TRACK
        Boost your productivity with the speed and
        effectiveness of the camless pick-up design   ZX wagon is the highest capacity silage                                           LESS DRAG                  Steep angle is the key for a precise
        and large rotors with hardox tines.  wagon on the planet, featuring a rotor driven                                                                         windrow shape.
                                            by a power belt, planetary gearbox and
        The camless EasyFlow pick-up has 68% fewer   standard SpeedSharp.                                                                                          Maintenance-free steep dry cam track design                            KRONEAUSTRALIA.COM.AU
        moving parts for quieter performance and
        reduced wear.                                                                                                                                              made from bainite hardened cast steel with
                                                                                                                                                                   spherical graphite.
                                                                                   ZX430GD                                                                         3-year warranty on dry cam track.             DURAMAX CAM TRACK
                                                                                                                               *Offer is available for business borrowers only. This 0.90% p.a. finance rate offer is only available with a minimum 20% deposit, 60 monthly repayments and minimum financed amount of $4,000. Terms, conditions, fees, charges and credit criteria
                                                                                                                                apply. Different term and different deposit may result in a different rate. Credit provided by Kubota Australia Pty Ltd ABN 72005300621. This finance offer is available until 30/04/22 with finance application submitted by 31/05/22 and applies to
                                                                                                                                new Krone models.
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