Page 5 - 2022 Krone Catalogue | Extended-Finance
P. 5

                                       NEW BIG PACK 5TH GENERATION                                                05

        Introducing the all new Big Pack 5th generation range   The new Big Pack Gen 5 range has improved comfort
        with 6 knotters. These square balers have been tested   of operation and reduced cost of ownership, while still
        in Australian conditions and have the same strong     maintaining the key attributes of the Big Pack.
        performance levels and so much more than our HDP      These include amazing productivity, bale shape
        High Speed and Xtreme balers. The new machines are    and density, reliability with the use of the strongest   NEW BIG PACK GEN 5  |  KRONE
        fully available for 2022 alongside the existing range of    components, camless pick-up, VFS packer system
        Big Pack 6 knotter High Speed and Xtreme, which stay   with auto reset, 600kg flywheels for smooth operation
        in the range long term and then there are the legendary   and soft start. We now also offer the standard Gen 5
        HDPII balers.                                         BP1290(VC) and BP1270(VC) for 2022.




         4   BALE CHAMBER                   OTHER FEATURES
        Just like on our HDP Xtreme, the new HDP   Central crank adjustment for crop    New rear mounting frame for extra twine
        version of the machines have the standard   roller height.              boxes.
        chamber wear liners and auto greasing inside
        the VFS.                            Open rear of the pick-up for improved clean   New Krone original inoculant tank available
                                            out and to not remove pick-up covers.  for 2022.
        New split bale ejector to be able to eject the
        last bale only or alternatively empty the    New VC VariCut cutting unit, now belt driven   Blade cassette can be pulled out to the side.
        full chamber.                       like HDP II.                        New moisture sensor with improved
                                            New enclosed knotter trip gearbox.  accuracy and many more updates to improve
                    GEN 5 standard non HDP square
                    balers available, includes BP1290(VC) &                     customer satisfaction.
                    BP1270(VC) MultiBale.

                    BALE CHAMBER                        BLADE CASSETTE                     INOCULANT TANK          KRONEAUSTRALIA.COM.AU

        *Offer is available for business borrowers only. This 0.90% p.a. finance rate offer is only available with a minimum 20% deposit, 60 monthly repayments and minimum financed amount of $4,000. Terms, conditions, fees, charges and credit criteria
         apply. Different term and different deposit may result in a different rate. Credit provided by Kubota Australia Pty Ltd ABN 72005300621. This finance offer is available until 30/06/22 with finance application submitted by 31/07/22 and applies to
         new Krone models.
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