Page 23 - 2021 Kubota Spring Catalogue - A&R Machinery
P. 23

EASYCUT TRAILED CENTRE                                                                                       22
       4M & 5M                                               COMPETITIVE                                            23
 MOWERS   Widest conditioner rollers in the industry    FINANCE AVAILABLE

       Optional 3m transport kit means you can
                                                              ask your local dealer
 & TEDDERS  Bringing versatility to the farm and beyond, Krone offers   switch from field to road position without   ACROSS THE KRONE RANGE  MOWERS & TEDDERS  |  KRONE

       leaving the cab for easy travel
 innovative hay & silage equipment to keep you ahead of the
 season. If you want clear cut performance, look no further
       4 conditioning systems available –
 than the Krone mowing range.
       non-conditioner, V-flail conditioner, rubber and
       steel roller conditioners
 CLE A R  CU T  PE RFO R M A N CE  Steel conditioner design comes from North
       America (not an M-Roll), however, conditions
       very well in Australian high crop conditions

                                             EASYCUT TRAILED CENTRE - ECTC 400/500 WITH OPTIONAL TRANSPORT KIT

       Krone’s entry level linkage mower
 M-ROLL STEEL SUPER CONDITIONER  Working width from 2.4m to 3.6m
       Quick change blades
       Heavy headstock and blade box
 EC TRAILED MOWERS  ECB & ECF MOWER RANGE  Driven by drive shaft – no belts

 Trailed Mowers from 2.8m to 6.2m  Triple Combination Mowers from 8.7m to 10.1m  High output rates and heavy construction for
 massively efficient mowing
 New ECTC & ECTS (Trailed Centre & Side)   Large range of ECB and ECF mowers with new
 mower range available in V-tine conditioner,   M-Roll steel super conditioner / rubber / V-tine   Front-mounted mowers from 3.2m to 3.6m,
 rubber and M-Roll steel roller conditioner  / no conditioner and with or without cross   with swath boards for narrow windrow on roller
 conveyer for ECB mowers  conditioner mowers
 ECTS360CR/S and ECTS360CV
 available with a wide working width of 3.6m     AM-R320

 Work widths 2.8m to 4.0m without conditioner.
 2.8m and 3.2m conditioner models with new   Linkage tedders with working widths from
 M-Roll, rubber rollers or V-tine conditioner  4.6m to 11m
 The world’s best constructed linkage mower    Trailed tedders with working widths from
 for Australia’s tough conditions  8.8m to 19.6m
 DuoGrip Centre of Gravity Suspension    Krone’s OctoLink clutches are always in mesh
 System suspends the mower in its centre    for full power and do not require greasing
 of gravity, guiding with two arms to maintain   Features the heaviest square tube frame on the
 a uniform ground pressure across the entire   market with the gearbox installed under the
 working width
       frame to maintain strength in the frame                                                                       KRONEAUSTRALIA.COM.AU

 ECR 360                                     KWT 1300
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