Page 35 - FINAL
P. 35
• Description of the process: We use a completely clean bathtub, without
any soaps or bath products. Tap water can be used, since chlorine dioxide
eliminates heavy metals by oxidation.
Very sensitive people can use very hot water and let it settle for a few
minutes for its common chlorine contents to evaporate.
• Detoxifying baths with warm or hot water and 2-4 kilograms of simple
marine salt absorb our body’s acids through the skin. This is the process
known as osmosis, where there is an attempt to keep a balanced density
between two or more fluids.
• Thus, the higher density fluid will pass through the skin towards the
lower density fluid, creating equilibrium. This way, acids and toxins flow
out of our bodies. And in the same way, the body will absorb the marine
salt minerals through the skin. This is why iodized salt or any other salt
with chemical additives is not recommended.
• Drops are always activated on a 1:1 ratio, adding between 100 to 200
ml. of water to dilute them.
1. We clean the bathtub properly. There’s no need to put any soap or
other chemical products in the water.
2. We activate 30-60 drops of CD with HCL 4% as activator in a glass,
depending on the quantity of water being used. Obviously, we will need
more chlorine dioxide for a bigger amount of water.
3. We fill the bathtub with water at body temperature. Don’t add any
soap, perfume, shampoo, or children toys and keep the bathroom well
4. Add the activated CD to the bathtub and stir to spread it everywhere.
The amount of water does not reduce the amount of CIO2 being released.
5. We take a bath soaking the whole body, head and scalp included.
There’s not need to worry if water gets into the eyes as this diluted form
of CD is harmless.
6. We can add more hot water later, since the heat dilates the pores and
therefore it facilitates the penetration of CD in the organism.
Each bath session should last about 20 minutes and preferably be taken in
the evening before bedtime.
• Detoxifying baths used as a complement to any treatment, are a very
effective way of eliminating the accumulated residues in our organism in
• Open wounds tend to heal faster due to the disinfectant action of CD.