Page 3 - 2022 Spring E-Newsletter_AA.indd
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New Hope Charities FaMiLY Center BoUnces BacK!
New Hope Charities Family Center faced numerous challenges
throughout 2021 and some continue today. Like all other
educational institutions, New Hope was forced to close briefl y
in 2020 but managed to stay open in 2021 and of course now.
After reopening, we moved to full day access for children
while schools were closed. We enabled parents to work while
children were assisted in their remote learning in New Hope’s
computer lab with our counselors attending daily for full days.
Our center Educational Director Guillermo Rivera, celebrating
his 25th anniversary leading the center, managed to renew New
Hope’s accreditation through the Council On Accreditation, and
again to receive Gold Star Status
from Palm Beach County for the
after-school program.
As we prepare for summer camp,
we remember last year when our
usual fi eld trips were curtailed and
campers enjoyed only activities within our center. We are very excited
to return to our normal schedule of fi eld trips and other external camp
activities. We even managed to hold the Christmas Toy Give-Away
thanks to Hasbro’s Gift of Play and donations of New Hope contributors.
The event itself was downsized because of Covid restrictions but we
still managed to give away over 2,000 toys to children in need. We
hope to be able to fully return the program this year, fi ngers crossed.
New Hope received a grant from the Palm Beach County Sheriff ’s
Department that will expand our substance abuse education. We
believe it is never too early to help students to learn how to avoid
negative infl uences to empower them to stay away from drugs as they
grow up. Collaboration with Literacy Coalition, Palm Beach Library Bookmobile, Primetime and
Green Mouse provided an enhanced experience for program participants.
We also continue our family food distribution, the original
New Hope Charities project, started in founder Lian Fanjul
de Azqueta’s garage so many years ago.