P. 3
3. Installation of strong internet The Campus initiated the Documents and
connection specially in the purchase and installation Visual Inspection of
RDET office and purchase of through the College of 100% the area.
software tools for research Computing Science the
may be given priority by the internet connectivity of the
head of the institution. RDET office.
4. The head of the academic The faculty attended series Documents, travel
unit may encourage of training and research in 100% orders, certificate
participation of faculty in their field of specialization of appearance and
training to enhance faculty pictures
and enhance research
5. The head of the program The university has a Documents,
being accredited may provision for all research 100% Research outputs
consider using research especially instructional IM’s
outputs to generate income materials being developed.
for the colleges.
6. The head of the department IM’s are being integrated in IM being copy
may encourage faculty IPCR targets of every righted/ patented
members to develop faculty, it also included in 100%
instructional materials which the provision of the Copy of policies,
may be patented or university as mandate of and on-going
copyrighted. the faculty, incentive is instructional
also given to all faculty who materials being
develop IM’s that are developed by the
copyright and patented. faculty
7. The utilization of research Research outputs are Compiled capstone
outputs in improving being used as models in projects, actual
instruction may be given instruction at the same 100% research is being
consideration by the head of time capstone project are used as models.
the unit. being made as resources
by the students.