Page 22 - dyrectory interactive.
P. 22
Simcha Section
718-354-8386 רעדיל הלכ עכילרעה
There are, on average, 5 shidduchim in Monsey
each day – instantly creating 10 mechitunim – or
about 200 mechitunim each month! That all adds
up to making The Monsey Mechitunim Directory
an amazing advertising value – because over 800 ‰נו˙ח‰ ליל
mechitunim will see your ad!
Needless to say, these are people who are actively ‚י‡ור ךיליירפ
– and in many cases urgently –planning several sim-
chas and helping to establish a new home. Your ad !ן„ירפוˆ ןו‡
in The Monsey Mechitunim Directory will be seen
and will generate sales. It’s the only directory that
exclusively targets this highly motivated group. י„ ןופ טכ‡נ י„ ‰רימ˘ עלעיˆעפס י„ ר‡פ
ער‰ ןיע ןעמענ פ‡ר‡ ןו‡ ‰נו˙ח
Send in you’r ad, so then you’ll be seen by this highly
motivated group and get best results! 2 „ומע ףיו‡ ל˜יטר‡ עליפ ‰עז טפור ער‰ ןיע ןעמענוˆפ‡ר‡ ןבייר˘וˆניי‡ ךיז
855.411.7611 718.885.4455