Page 11 - BS Kelas 7_ KurMer
P. 11
Comic strip 1.4 Three students are introducing themselves .....................24
Comic strip 1.5 Greeting and introducing someone .....................................26
Comic strip 1.6 Greetings around the school ..................................................27
Comic strip 1.7 Talking about hobbies .............................................................30
Comic strip 1.8 Galang and Andre hobbies .....................................................31
Comic strip 1.9 Part 1 Pronouns .........................................................................35
Comic strip 1.9 Part 2 Pronouns .........................................................................37
Comic strip 2.1 Part 1 Monita and Galang’s favorite meals ........................61
Comic strip 2.1 Part 2 Monita and Galang’s favorite meals ........................62
Comic strip 2.2 Part 1 Monita’s family lunch ..................................................64
Comic strip 2.2 Part 2 Monita’s family lunch ..................................................66
Comic strip 2.3 Andre and Galang favorite food. ..........................................71
Comic strip 3.1 Galang shows his house to Andre and Monita ............... 106
Comic strip 3.2 Conversation between Pak Rahmansyah and Galang
..................................................................................................... 133
Comic strip 4.1 School subjects and days. ..................................................... 155
Comic strip 4.2 School subject and time. ....................................................... 157
Comic strip 4.3 Online Class Rule .................................................................... 172
Comic strip 5.1 At the canteen ......................................................................... 204
Comic strip 5.2 School facilities ....................................................................... 206
Comic strip 5.3 Where is the teachers’ room? ............................................. 208
Comic strip 5.4 Talking about Pencak Silat .................................................. 220