Page 10 - Modul B. INGGRIS 8-2 SMP k13 ok. b
P. 10
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!
The following text is for questions 1–3. The following text is for questions 7 and 8.
I would like to tell a story about my uncle. My uncle Dilligent students usually arrive at school early. They
is a zoo keeper. He feeds the animals everyday. He always do their homeworks and tasks and pay attention to
prepares foods and drinks for the animals. He cleans their their teachers. During English lessons, they try to speak
cage. His friend helps him to wash the animals. There are English.
also doctors who take care of ill animals. My uncle looks
very happy to be a zoo keeper. He loves his job. 7. The text is about ....
a. diligent students
1. What is the best title for the text above? b. eight grade students
a. My Uncle’s Job c. high school students
b. My Uncle is A Zoo Keeper d. clever students
c. How To Take Care of Animals
d. The Animals in the Zoo 8. During English lessons, the students has to ....
a. pay attention to the teacher
2. “He feeds the animals everyday.” The word b. do their homework
‘feed’ in the sentence means .... c. arrive at school on time
a. give food everyday to the animals d. speak English
b. give drinks regularly to the animals
c. look after the ill animals 9. Via : What do you often do on Saturday?
d. wash the animals Daniel : I usually ... my room.
a. sweep
3. “There are also doctors who take care of ill b. paint
animals.” The word ‘ill’ is synonymous with .... c. wash
a. healthy c. sick d. sleep
b. happy d. dirty
The following text is for questions 4–7!
10. Neni : What does your mother usually
I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Dolgy. Dolgy is
a Chinese breed. It is small, fl uffy, and cute. It has got do in the morning?
Cassandra : She usually ... breakfast for us.
thick black fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Dolgy
does not like to eat bones. Everyday it eats soft foods like a. cleans
steamed rice, fi sh, or bread. When I am at school, Dolgy b. eats
plays with my rabbit. They got along well, and never fi ght c. cooks
maybe because Dolgy does not bark a lot. It treats the d. feeds
other animals in our house gently. Dolgy is really a sweet
and friendly animal.
11. Sandy : What do you do, Mister?
4. How does Dolgy look like? Mr. Irawan : I’m a lecturer. I ... the student
a. Big, fi erce, and cute. everyday.
b. Big, fl uffy, and fi erce. a. learn c. train
c. Small, fl uffy, and cute. b. teach d. coach
d. Small, fl uffy, and stink.
12. Shinta : Do you like coffee?
5. Whom Dolgy plays with when the writer goes Citra : No, ....
to school? a. I do c. I does
a. The writer’s sister. b. I don’t d. I doesn’t
b. The writer’s mother.
c. The writer’s other dog. The following text is for questions 13–15.
d. The writer’s rabbit. Bears have thick fur coats to protect them from the
cold. Most of them live in northern parts of the world. They
6. What does Dolgy eat every morning?
are large and powerful. They have a good sense of smell.
a. Fish and rice. c. Bones.
A few of them eat meat, and some others eat honey. In
b. Bread and milk. d. Milk and fi sh. winters, several bears fi nd snug places to hibernate.
10 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013