Page 15 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - November December 2022
P. 15
Recent activities have included:
✓ We donated to the American Cancer Society walk.
✓ We donated to the Newcomb Central School class
of 2023 fundraiser
✓ Former Club member Lynn Stalker was honored
with a service plaque.
✓ We continue to collect eyewear
✓ We continue to collect nonperishable food at our
meetings to be donated to the local food bank.
As noted in the Upcoming Events section, we are
preparing for our Holiday Fruit Basket distribution
on 12/21/22.
We need a list of anyone in Newcomb who has
turned 60 since last year or has been missed.
Also, we need to know if Fruit Basket recipients will
not be home on 12/21/22.
Please let us know and we’ll leave your basket at
the Town Hall for you. If you are leaving for the
Winter and won’t be here, we would like to know
that too.
Please call Nancy West (518.582.2101) or email
Evelyn Stanley (