Page 7 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - November December 2022
P. 7
One of the provisions of the 2022/2023 New York
State budget authorizes Fire Departments that
provide Ambulance service, the ability to bill for
this service.
The Newcomb Volunteer Fire Department has
contracted with Emergency Management Re-
sources to facilitate billing when someone uses
our Ambulance service.
Listed below, please see a projection of how this
process should work:
1) After an Ambulance call, Emergency Manage-
ment Resources will submit a claim to the pa-
tient's insurance company - this will include Med-
icare or Medicaid.
2) Depending upon the insurance company's poli-
cy, it is possible that a bill may be issued to the
patient for copay expense or a balance not cov-
ered by insurance.
This bill will have an Albany address, as this is
where the billing company's lock box is located.
3) If the patient is not able to pay this balance,
they should write a letter to:
Newcomb Volunteer Fire Department
PO Box 98
Newcomb, NY 12852
Questions regarding this new procedure may be
directed to Wester Miga 518-582-5528.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors