Page 2 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - December 2020
P. 2

Supervisors Desk

         2021 Budget

         The Town Board approved the 2021 budget at its November 10,
         2020 Regular Meeting. This year our budget is $11,617.00 be-
         low the NYS State mandated tax cap. This amounts to a budget
         increase of 1.69%. This year’s levy included an increase to the
         Fire Protection and 24/7 ambulance service contract to estab-

         lish a Equipment Reserve Fund. This fund will be used in future
         years to purchase a replacement ambulance. The increase,
         $26,000, over a period of years will provide for the purchase
         without having to increase the Fire Protection/Ambulance levy
         or the need to borrow money and pay interest.

         Highway and General Fund revenues are expected to be down
         this year with the effect on the N.Y.S. Budget due to the COVID

         pandemic. To address the effects of the revenue loss, the Board
         approved use of an addition $70,000 in Highway fund balance.
         The General Fund revenues were also decreased by $70,000,
         where appropriations were adjusted to compensate for this

         Old Community Bank Building

         Our General Fund maintenance crew will be working on this
         building throughout the winter months. The structure, built in
         1963, is in very sound structural condition. Our maintenance
         crew will be upgrading the insulation and replacing the interior
         walls/windows. In the spring, this building will function as a
         temporary welcome center to provide visitors with information
         on our local amenities, businesses, and attractions.
                                             (continued next page)

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