Page 12 - KDP Flip book with videos
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        ACROSS THE


           2010           2011           2012            2013              2014                2015               2016             2017               2018               2019             2020             2021

                              TOP IDEAS SINCE 2010
                                                                                              Overall (Since 2007)                       FY22 (Apr-Jun)
                                             COVID19 Mininum Order quantity process so that
        Knoxville DC and DMVPN failover with SDWAN
                                             beverage orders for large customers are met
        Proposing an idea to implement failover using
                                             The idea suggested was to increase the minimum
        SDWAN solution Proposing an idea to implement
                                             weight for an order to 37000 pounds and to
        failover using SDWAN solu...         change alter the system con...
                                                                                                      75,398                 Ideas               2,994
           DSD Inventory Scan and Count Data Maintenance  IT Operations Portal Design and develop a online
           Since ZLEW_SCRAP is a intermediate table A   centralized portal that can be accessible to KDP
           program to delete old records will be created   and partners audience from anywhere with...
           This will delete redundant r...                                                                                   Ideas
                                                                                                  44,697                                             1,253
        Distributed NTP design to maintain highest DC   Custom Enhancement for Positive Pay Files
        uptime HCL proposed distributed NTP design   Program HOT Develop Custom program for SAP                              Value
        where Domain Controller and PDC will talk to   Standard Program RFCHKE00 and populate the all
        local NTP servers and failover to mu...  the fields which are currently included...                                 Delivered
                                                                                                              $9.9Bn                  $326.3Mn

           COVID19 Mass program to change dates   SAP Password Reset via Lucy Chatbot
           in idocs to PGI and Invoice The solution provided   Created custom RFC enabled Wrapper ABAP
           was a custom program that could take an upload   program FM in SAP ECC system with all parameter
           file as input and the desired value that needs t...  validations Using SU01 stan...
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