Page 65 - Prep School Parent Handbook 2018-2019
P. 65

Drama is a fun way to build self-conidence and communication skills whilst allowing the girls to use their imagination in a safe environment. Our girls develop the conidence to speak in public and the ability to work collaboratively. There are weekly timetabled drama lessons from specialist teachers in Key Stage 2, whilst Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 incorporate drama skills and role play within the classroom.
The girls experience a range of opportunities in Drama, including class assemblies, Trinity Board exams and French plays. Every year group will have the chance to perform to parents. EYFS and Year 2 perform an annual Nativity. Year 4 develop their Music, Drama and Dance skills through rehearsing and performing a musical production. There is a magniicent musical inale when Year 6 pupils perform their leavers’ play, which is highly regarded by the girls and parents alike.
After school drama clubs are available for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 where they can develop their skills further. Girls from Year 3 upwards also have the opportunity to receive individual or group peripatetic Speech and Drama lessons and the option to take Trinity College London exams.
The Prep School has a thriving Music Department. Many pupils from Year 2 upwards choose to have individual instrument lessons and these are timetabled on rotation during the school day, avoiding English, Maths and Science lessons where possible. There is a breadth of expertise amongst our peripatetic teachers, teaching a range of instruments including piano, harp, cello, violin and lute.
Opportunities for girls to join an ensemble and contribute to the School’s musical community are plentiful. While this is not compulsory, it is expected and encouraged as it greatly improves their musical awareness. The differences between playing with others and as a soloist are enormous – challenges are confronted, the rewards are endless and, above all, it is fun!
A large number of instrumental ensembles are currently available in the Prep School, from woodwind to pop and jazz. There is also a Chamber Choir (by invitation only), a Junior Choir
(Year 1 – Year 3) and Mini Soul Train (Year 4 – Year 6). Additional time is made for aural practice, giving girls time to prepare for their music exams.
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